
Cavities are the most common dental issue that people face. They are a result of the erosion of the enamel caused by the acidic substances in the mouth. If they are left untreated, they can penetrate the root canal and lead to tooth loss and gingivitis.


Cavities form when the oral bacteria in your mouth release acids during their activity. These acids erode the enamel and form cavities. The enamel is rich in mineral content and comprises of a porous structure. Hence, it becomes very easy for it to absorb bacteria, decay, and food particles. This makes cavities more prominent on the surface layers of teeth.


If you do not get cavities treated at an early stage, they can grow deeper and wider on the teeth’ surface. They can grow so deep that they reach the root canal of a tooth, thereby causing a root canal infection. Cavities can also spread to other teeth through oral interactions like biting or chewing food. In addition to this, they spread to the gums if left untreated, which may result in gum diseases that are hard to treat.


There are several ways by which cavities can be treated. Some of them are as follows:

Cavity Filling: Cavity filling is done by placing a tooth-colored filling material in the cavity to restore its shape and size. It helps keep the decayed area from causing further damage to the tooth’s enamel and underlying tissues.

Remove Decay: If a cavity is shallow enough, we use an ultrasonic scaling appliance to remove its decay and microbes. This procedure is known as deep cleaning or scaling. Afterward, we fill it with a suitable filling material to restore its shape and prevent reinfection.

Prevent Reinfection: If there is no cavity in your tooth or it’s too deep to be treated using fillings, we will place a suitable filling on top of it to prevent reinfection of decay or microbes in it. We will also take suitable measures to control plaque and tartar accumulation near it using suitable oral appliances (e.g., fluoride varnish).

Root Canal Therapy:: Root canal therapy is required when you develop a severe infection inside your tooth’s pulp chamber. It is treated using local anesthesia and is minimally invasive as we will remove the infected tissues inside your tooth using precision instruments, after which it will be cleaned thoroughly. Afterward, we will place a filling in your tooth to restore its shape and size and keep it from reinfection.

To know more about cavities, visit us at Helena, MT or call us at (406) 443-6160 to schedule an appointment with the dentist and we will be happy to help.